Monday, September 6, 2010

Republican 'Young Guns' critical of Bush legacy and party hierarchy

What does the article below have to do with full employment policy? Nothing and everything. The so-called "young guns" are going to be different, no corruption or scandals this time. And they talk about cutting social security and medicare. That supposedly means they are for reform. Social Security? But, there is a 3 trillion dollar IOU in the social security fund. That IOU is for the money the baby boomers paid over and above what they paid for their parents social security. If they aren't given that money that is criminal fraud punishable by imprisonment. There is no mention of ending illegal immigration, outsourcing or offshoring, the only thing that will restore our economy and our tax base and halt our glide into economic third world hell. Read the article, and give these congressmen a phone call to let them know you aren't fooled, and you want a full employment policy now!---rng

Former president George W Bush and the Republican party hierarchy have been denounced for betraying conservative principles by a new generation of congressmen bidding to convince voters that the Right can offer real change.

The president has scrambled to stave off defeat over the economy and will this week launch measures designed to boost small businesses.

He will ask Congress to increase and extend a tax credit for research and development, as a way of boosting job creation, an administration official said yesterday. He is also likely to propose to use tax cuts for the rich passed by Mr Bush which are about to expire for further tax breaks for business.

Many polls and pundits say the Republicans will gain the 39 seats needed to win back control of the House of Representatives but just fall short of winning back the Senate.

But doubts linger that the party can take advantage of the favourable winds as it struggles to persuade voters that it has changed significantly since it lost power in 2006.

A recent NBC poll found only 24 per cent of voters saw the party in a positive light.

The Young Guns book recognises "high profile ethics lapses" and "an inability to rein in spending or even slow the growth of government" led to a breakdown in trust in the party.

During the previous Republican rule, Tom DeLay, the former majority leader in the House, was prosecuted for money laundering and violating campaign finance laws, though he was never convicted. Several other members of Congress were embroiled in scandals involving favours for lobbyists.

"The fact is, we had our chance, and we blew it," wrote co-author Eric Cantor, the party's chief whip.

Critics have pointed out that Mr Cantor, 47, from Virginia, was a member of the party's leadership during the era he is now criticising.

The Young Guns programme run by Mr Cantor and his colleagues and co-authors Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan is designed to find new, reliable conservative candidates.

Leaked excerpts indicate that it poses a challenge to the party's most senior leaders.

John Boehner, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, has distanced himself from a policy document produced by Mr Ryan called a "Road Map for America's Future" that recommended cuts in Social Security, the US equivalent of the state pension, and Medicare, a heavily subsidised health care scheme for the elderly.

With Democrats quick to warn what voters could lose from Mr Ryan's ideas, the Republican leadership has been keen to avoid anything that might surrender their advantage on the economy.

to read original article

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